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For billions of years around the globe, God and religion are the biggest things in their lives Even for those who are not very devout believers,
their belief is a part oh how they think about themselves, and for most of them, God is very big however, for a small minority of people,
the idea of god is small and pital.
We look out into the universe and see something so amazing that it could not possibly be the work of these tiny imagined gods of mankind.
we see the harm that religion brings to humanity. We see the injustice, inequality and division amongst men that it causes. We see humanity
being satisfied by these religions and their gods.
We believe that we humans are bigger than the imaginary gods.
last time I checked, we're all in India. Hinduism rocks the cradle here but i do not talk of India in particular, you may visit any religion
dominated country, especially if it is an Islamic republic, you find yourself stilled. you are not allowed to openly express your views, simply
because they do not mater at the religious fanatics who rule the country. You cannot ask questions openly. you cannot refuse to believe in something
that has become assed without evidence. You cannot decide how you want to live because what you will think and follow was already decided even
before you were born.
The most likely senario is that you will sell your life at the cost of your breadths and satisfy yourself with mere survival.
Either you would get brainwashed and deluded, your capability to critically eva mine is terminated from the very beginning or you would
become a freethinking skeptic living in fear like myself.
Ok coming back to our topic have anyone ever read a book called Ripleyi believe it or now? there's also a TV show about it.
Robert Ripleyi made a conveying  unbelievable stories to the people the attraction of these stories was that they aroused the natural skepticism among us all well,
Some more that the others. His stories ranged from tales of mermaids and monsters to last pets and sports. We'll come but to fly in a few bounds.
Religious people often ask why people like me don't believe he stories of their gods from their holy books. The answers as someone I don't remember probably a great man so eloquently started is that,
extradionary claims reqeue extradinory evidence..
And, we have no confirmed evidence of a small boy lifting a hill to save castle or old guy who drank an entire river and again released it from his ears. We have no evidence // Water turning into wine, Walking on water...
These things just don't happen. The attractions seen from stories is the same as that of Ripley's stories. Now you get what i told about Ripley?
You see how a message spreads when passed from one person to another? They get Embethished, eagerated the stories from all these religious books, they are passed from one person to another an unknown number of times.
there's no way of knowing if the author was lying or the stories become enaggerated overtime.
And also the thing that bugs the most is majority of the people doesn't believe in evoultion ! they tend o like creation better and most of these people are Christian.
Because according to the bible god made the two great lights the greater light to rule the day and lesser light to rule the night; and familiar with the stories of Adam, eves and that snake.
For most Christians , this passage along with  every other passage about stars in the bible, demonstrated that god created the stars and know everything these is to know about them. but if we look at the passage all it says
if that god created the stars, moon and the sun and was proud of his work
* and why in the fuck does it not say how they were made?
* why are the words stellar, neucleo synthesis or hydrogen or helium never mentioned in a thousand pages of scripture also stars and the sun were created by god?
*why doesn't he make the connection that the sun is also a fucking star!!
It's quite simple when one thinks about it, so Simple, that it escapes most religious people when asked about it.
The only explanation for this :
How the fuck could they? they  had no access to telescope or math necessary to calculate the motions of our solar system did they?

When i asked all these shit load of questions, one of my religious friend said that god kept its information to himself cause we couldn't possibly have understood it during that times
But why?
Why would an all-powerful, all loving creator of the universe keep that information from his followers? Surely, such a loving god would keep that kind off information to himself?
We know how much it would help our future generation to read learn from, and prosper as a result.  Surely a loving gf would help us grow to be more than what we are and not keep us doctile and grounded.
Instead, We are left with a book that was written by multiple authors who choose to write about thing such as these concerns were canonized by a small group of people who decide that they were
important enough to make  best selling book of all time as steaming pile of bullshit for other leaders to profit from and use to convince people to do their bidding.
So now for the conclusion let us consider the phrase
"God a love"
this term is very popular. It's on tee shirts, cars, billboards, TV advertisements but that doesn't make it true in the fact, these are a few statements that are LESS TRUE. if we are willing to look
Artifically at the world around us, it is  painfully obvious that,
And that my friends, is a hard notation for the religious to follow because it means their gods aren't the omnipotent beings they believe them to be.

Nikhil kumar
