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CHILD, RIGHTS, AND YOU: CRY For the people what "UNICEF" is  it is ' The united nation's children's fund'. OK! what is 'HUMAN RIGHTS'??? Human rights are the rights you have simply because you are a human. W hen we think about our childhood we imagine joy, laughter, school, friends, we remember playing in the garden, eating our favourite food, reading beautiful books and enjoy a carefree life.      Our childhood was full of these experiences because we were allowed to be simply children. But, for million of under privileged children in India, childhood is very different. For them it is not about going to school but it is about going to work. It is not about reading your favourite book, but it is about getting married at the age of 13 and sooner. T here are   many road blocks that deny under privileged children the promise of a happy childhood, these can be things of basics as not having access to schools, not getting mid day meals for the


For billions of years around the globe, God and religion are the biggest things in their lives Even for those who are not very devout believers, their belief is a part oh how they think about themselves, and for most of them, God is very big however, for a small minority of people, the idea of god is small and pital. We look out into the universe and see something so amazing that it could not possibly be the work of these tiny imagined gods of mankind. we see the harm that religion brings to humanity . We see the injustice, inequality and division amongst men that it causes. We see humanity being satisfied by these religions and their gods. We believe that we humans are bigger than the imaginary gods. last time I checked, we're all in India. Hinduism rocks the cradle here but i do not talk of India in particular, you may visit any religion dominated country, especially if it is an Islamic republic, you find yourself stilled. you are not allowed to openly express your views


When the happiest days fail to brew any form of happiness, that soulful and poised state of mind That you’ve been in search of, Your entire life. And a feeling within that echoes something suspicious, a sense of distress, wanting to be rescued. While your subconscious self fights a battle, despite knowing its nothing but indeed a dreadful lost battle A pursuit to find Hope, answers, a remedy to soothe the wound, a scar that sombody, somewhere at some point, left behind as a token of gratification or even dissatisfication A question that still remains Unanswered.

The Unspoken

No matter how many years go never give up on the girl that you loved If I am here today in this position it is because of a women And if I am here on this earth it is also because of a women, Yes that's my mom. Both are women only! If a man has to win a women must have to support, it can be a mother, sister, friend and it can be anyone in this world. Most of us in relationship we promise to each other that " You are mine and I am Yours ". Let me put it in a simple word take this as an example " This mic belongs to whom?  it belongs to someone who owns it. if I have to give it to someone I have to ask the person who owns it. " If your mom buys a shirt for you, and if someone asked for it, I have to ask my mothers permission for it" . So this mic, shirts and each and everything if I have to ask permission for giving these simple things to somebody.. This body and soul of mine is given to us by our parents, Then with whose permission I can say &qu

Redemption, pale art

                                                  Redemption        " She belongs to her own sky           A place where the feelings are raw           And each word heard aloud           Because her words can sting           But instead, they want to pluck out herfeathers           And hang them on their wall of achievements           In a house blessed with the society-class holywater..           Size of the canvas : 14 X 18inches      Material : stickpens, Blackmarkers (s)